Kill WGA WIndows XP

. 03 April 2009
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1. Use regedit and goto
delete folder "Wgalogon" and all the contents

2. set your system folders to unhide Folder view or you won't see dllcache folder (Windows Explorer-Tools-Folder Options-View-hidden files and folders-show hidden files and folders)
3. go to c:\windows\system32,
rename WgaTray.exe to WgaTray.exeold
rename Wgalogon.dll to Wgalogon.dllold

4. go to c:\windows\system32\dllcache, rename WgaTray.exe to WgaTray.exeold (kalo ada, kalo ngga ada cuekin)

5. kill wgatray.exe from TASK MANAGER (teken Ctrl+Alt_Del). Done.

If still have problems, reboot the computer and login to windows xp in safe mode and repeat the above steps